PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and Control free download online
Title: PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and Control Author(s): Kevin James Pages: 448 Publisher: Newnes Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0750646241 ISBN-13: Description: A practical guide to programming for data acquisition and measurement - must-have info in just the right amount of depth for engineers who are not programming specialists.
This book offers a complete guide to the programming and interfacing techniques involved in data collection and the subsequent measurement and control systems using an IBM compatible PC. It is an essential guide for electronic engineers and technicians involved in measurement and instrumentation, DA&C programmers and students aiming to gain a working knowledge of the industrial applications of computer interfacing.
A basic working knowledge of programming in a high-level language is assumed, but analytical mathematics is kept to a minimum. Sample listings are given in C and can be downloaded from the Newnes website.
Practical guidance on PC-based acquisition.
Written for electronic engineers and software engineers in industry, not academics or computer scientists.
A textbook with strong foundations in industry.
Summary: A complete and practical guide to programming techniques
PC Interfacing And Data Acquisition offers a complete and practical guide to programming and interfacing techniques involved in data collection, as well as subsequent measurement and control systems. Kevin James adheres to an industry perspective as he provides electronic engineers and techniques involved in measurement and instruments, DA&C programmers, as computer students with a fundamental and working knowledge of the industrial applications of computer interfacing. There is a prerequisite of high-level programming language familiarity, but analytical mathematics is minimal resulting in a highly recommended instructional reference for engineers who are not programming specialists.
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