Title: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Author(s): Joseph Pedlosky Pages: 710 Publisher: Springer Publication date: 1986 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 0387963871 ISBN-13: Description: This second edition of the widely acclaimed Geophysical Fluid Dynamics by Joseph Pedlosky offers the reader a high-level, unified treatment of the theory of the dynamics of large-scale motions of the oceans and atmosphere. Revised and updated, it includes expanded discussions of * the fundamentals of geostrophic turbulence * the theory of wave-mean flow interaction * thermocline theory * finite amplitude barocline instability. From the reviews: "The author has done a masterful job in presenting the theory with the necessary mathematical foundation, while keeping the physical aspects in clear view...it is an outstanding introduction to a complex and important subject." GEOPHYSICS