Linear Circuit Design Handbook free download online

Title: Linear Circuit Design Handbook
Author(s): Engineering Staff Analog Devices Inc., Hank Zumbahlen
Pages: 960
Publisher: Newnes
Publication date: 2008
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0750687037
Description: This book enables design engineers to be more effective in designing discrete and integrated circuits by helping them understand the role of analog devices in their circuit design. Analog elements are at the heart of many important functions in both discrete and integrated circuits, but from a design perspective the analog components are often the most difficult to understand. Examples include operational amplifiers, D/A and A/D converters and active filters. Effective circuit design requires a strong understanding of the operation of these analog devices and how they affect circuit design. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: THE OP AMP CHAPTER 2: OTHER LINEAR CIRCUITS CHAPTER 3: SENSORS CHAPTER 4 RF/IF CIRCUITS CHAPTER 5: FUNDAMENTALS OF SAMPLED DATA SYSTEMS CHAPTER 6: CONVERTERS CHAPTER 7: DATA CONVERTER SUPPORT CIRCUITS CHAPTER 8 ANALOG FILTERS CHAPTER 9: POWER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 10: PASSIVE COMPONENTS CHAPTER 11: OVERVOLTAGE EFFECTS ON ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CHAPTER 12: PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) DESIGN ISSUES Key Features * comprehensive coverage of analog circuit components for the practicing engineer * market-validated design information for all major types of linear circuits * includes practical advice on how to read op amp data sheets and how to choose off-the-shelf op amps * full chapter covering printed circuit board design issues, About the Author An S&P 500 company with annual revenues over $2 billion, headquartered in Norwood, MA, an industry leader in analog, digital, and mixed signal processing technology.

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