Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions free download online
Title: Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions Author(s): David Harville Pages: 296 Publisher: Springer; 1 edition Publication date: 2001 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 0387953183 ISBN-13: Description: This book contains over 300 exercises and solutions covering a wide variety of topics in matrix algebra. They can be used for independent study or in creating a challenging and stimulating environment that encourages active engagement in the learning process. Thus, the book can be of value to both teachers and students. The requisite background is some previous exposure to matrix algebra of the kind obtained in a first course. The exercises are those from an earlier book by the same author entitled Matrix Algebra From a Statistician?s Perspective (ISBN 0-387-94978-X). They have been restated (as necessary) to stand alone, and the book includes extensive and detailed summaries of all relevant terminology and notation. The coverage includes topics of special interest and relevance in statistics and related disciplines, as well as standard topics.
From the reviews of the first edition:
"written as a companion to his earlier book titled MATRIX ALGEBRA FROM A STATISTICIANS PERSPECTIVEthis is not just a solutions manual. With 15 pages of definitions and terminology and another 5 pages of notations, the book can be used as an independent reader on advanced topics in linear algebrawhen used in conjunction with his earlier book, provides a more in-depth second course on this topic."
"This book collects the exercises from the authors Matrix algebra from a statisticians perspective, (Springer 1997) and includes their solutions. It can be used as a stand-alone book with an inspiring collection of exercises ." (Adhemar Bultheel, Simon Stevin Bulletin, Vol. 10 (2), 2003)
"The author has collected well over 300 exercises from his earlier book Matrix Algebra From a Statisticians Perspective into a separate volume and he added solutions. The book also contains extensive and detailed summaries of the relevant terminology and notation. It will be very useful for any teacher of a linear algebra course as a source of exercises of various levels of difficulty." (European Mathematical Society Newsletter, December, 2003)
"This book comprises well over 300 exercises in (real) matrix algebra and their solutions. it represents a valuable resource for any reader trying to gain some practice in the concepts of matrix algebra and looking for suitable exercises accompanied by solutions." (A. Krauter, Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 57 (193), 2003)
"This book is a supplement to the authors previous book (Harville 1997) and contains the solutions to more than three-hundred exercises taken from it. This book is especially useful for anyone interested in dealing with proof techniques and tricks concerning matrix algebra. For everybody who finds pleasure in reading and learning from Harvilles text, this book will have a similar effect and should be viewed as a very useful supplement." (Jurgen Gro?, Statistical Papers, Vol. 43 (4), 2002)
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