Title: An Atlas of Schizophrenia Author(s): Martin Stefan, Mike Travis and Robin Murray Pages: 89 Publisher: The Parthenon Publishing Group Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: This is an exceptionally authoritative, comprehensive atlas-review text, with color illustrations, of the clinical features, etiology, pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia, the social, political and economic impact of modern developments in treatment, and directions of new research. The atlas illustrates and describes schizophrenias profound effects on perception, understanding, communication and social behavior, its identifiable antecedents in early brain growth and development, and morphological data from structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies. It also covers, with examples, the latest research developments in neuropsychology, psychophysiology and functional imaging along with in vivo receptor imaging and other advances in psychopharmacology that are shedding new light on the neurochemistry of schizophrenia