Planetary Science: The Science of Planets Around Stars free download online
Title: Planetary Science: The Science of Planets Around Stars Author(s): George H. A. Cole, Michael M. Woolfson Pages: 528 Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1st edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 075030815X ISBN-13: Description: Assuming no prior knowledge of astrophysics or geophysics, this resource focuses on the structure of planets and the stars they orbit and the interactions between them. The book is written in two parts, making it suitable for students at different levels and from differing backgrounds. The first twelve chapters reveal our solar system and the diverse bodies it contains. These are followed by 42 detailed topics that discuss specialized subjects, from stellar formation to exobioloy, in a quantitative manner-essential reading for those in higher level courses. Problems and answers are also included.
This is a strong contender for a text suitable for an undergraduate course in planetary science : pitched at exactly the right level for an undergraduate physics or astronomy student : At the end of each chapter and topic there are one or two problems, well chosen to illustrate the material and to reinforce the reader's understanding : if I were teaching a course on the solar system, I would certainly have this book on my desk and use it frequently.
- Jeremy B. Tatum, The Observatory
... a useful contribution to the literature: The figures are clear and there are a few colour plates. The chapters and most of the topics end with one or two questions to which full answers are given - a welcome feature.
- Professor B.W. Jones, Contemporary Physics, 2003, vol. 44, no. 1
... good textbooks have been rare indeed, so this new edition by two eminent British professors of the subject is more than welcome, not just because it is overdue, but because it is excellent, one of the best in what is still a very limited field. It's quality derives from the broadly-based knowledge of the authors, and their consequent ability to expound on a wide range of topics : Best of all, they stick closely to the physics, and the treatment is richly quantitative, complete with problems at the end of each section: Care is taken throughout, even in the title of the book, to emphasize the universality of the principles involved : Overall, this is the book for anyone involved in teaching, or learning, the science of planets around stars.
- F.W. Taylor, University of Oxford, Surveys in Geophysics
Their book elegantly combines physics, mathematics, geophysics and astronomy :The second part is refreshingly unusual, concentrating on 41 planetary science topics : The mathematical and physical approach is elegant, relevant and at a typical second-year university level. This book encourages understanding and not mere assimilation of data.
-David Hughes, New Scientist, March 2003
The authors take the information we know of our Solar System to form the basis of a generalized planetary science, which can then be applied to any external star system: The material would be appealing to students in physics, astronomy, geology or other science majors looking for a comprehensive overview of planetary science. Even though this book is meant to be used as a textbook, the interested individual will find it engaging and instructive. Highly recommended for academic collections.
-E-STREAMS, Vol. 5, No. 11
Overall the book achieves its goal of providing a basic text in planetary science, while providing instructors a fair amount of flexibility in drawing basic course material from the text, as well as providing a useful reference for students. It also has a relatively large number of problems and exercises to illustrate the basic concepts : the book is quite useful as is, and could very nicely serve as a basic text on which to build an advanced undergraduate or graduate-level course in planetary science.
-Robert H. Brown, Departments of Planetary Sciences and Astronomy, University of Arizona, USA
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