Title: The PEAR Installer Manifesto Author(s): Greg, Beaver Pages: 296 Publisher: Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1904811191 ISBN-13: Description: The creator of this powerful and multi-faceted code management and deployment system shows you how to unleash its hidden power across your complete PHP development lifecycle. PEAR Installer is the preferred PEAR package for installing PEAR packages. It can be used to make sure that the most up to date version of a package is present on your server. This book reveals the full power of the PEAR Installer, presenting a new way of organizing your PHP application development and deployment. This book will show you a new way of organizing your PHP development, by leveraging the full power of the PEAR Installer. In a sense, the PEAR Installer is a step above a software design pattern, a meta-development pattern that can be used to systematically organize all of your PHP development. You will learn how to organize your code into packages using the package.xml format. You will learn about the revolutionary new PEAR Channel concept, and how to safely and reliably depend on external PHP libraries from sources such as pear.php.net and other PEAR channels. You will learn about the PEAR_PackageFileManager package, and how to customize individual installations of your PHP code through file roles, file tasks, and post-installation scripts. In addition, you will learn how to use the power of PEAR to manage your web projects with the PEAR installer to bring the power of versioning and rollbacks to your live website.