Title: TCP/IP First-Step Author(s): Mark Sportack Pages: 432 Publisher: Cisco Press Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 1587201089 ISBN-13: Description: Your first step into the world of TCP/IP
* No TCP/IP experience required
* Includes clear and easily understood explanations
* Makes learning easy
Your first step to understanding TCP/IP begins here!
* Learn TCP/IP basics
* Discover the power of TCP/IP components and subcomponents
* Use hands-on activities to understand TCP/IP
* Benefit from examples that illustrate the power of TCP/IP
Welcome to the world of TCP/IP!
TCP/IP is the world's de facto communications protocol. It is the official protocol of the Internet and, consequently, has become the predominant communications protocol suite in many private networks and internetworks.
No TCP/IP experience needed!
TCP/IP First-Step explores TCP/IP concepts in a reader-friendly manner that assumes no previous experience. Learn about packetized data transfer, open networking, reference models, and standards bodies. Understand the architecture of the TCP/IP protocol suite and learn about its components, functions, and respective uses. TCP/IP First-Step helps you understand TCP/IP's role in the network.
Learn more about the First-Step Series at www.ciscopress.com/firststep.
About the Author
Mark A. Sportack has worked in the Information Technology industry for over 20 years. Mark's experience includes everything from computer programming and systems analysis, to running a national ISP network and hosting centers, to managing the daily technical operations of small, medium, and very large enterprises. Mark currently manages the global network and computer operations for Debevoise and Plimpton, LLP - an international law firm.