Title: Quantum Electrodynamics Author(s): Walter Greiner Pages: 475 Publisher: Springer; 3rd ed. edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 3540440291 ISBN-13: Description: This completely revised and corrected new edition provides several new examples and exercises to enable deeper insight in formalism and application of Quantum electrodynamics.
It is a thorough introductory text providing all necessary mathematical tools together with many examples and worked problems. In their presentation of the subject the authors adopt a heuristic approach based on the propagator formalism. The latter is introduced in the first two chapters in both its nonrelativistic and relativistic versions. Subsequently, a large number of scattering and radiation processes involving electrons, positrons, and photons are introduced and their theoretical treatment is presented in great detail. Higher order processes and renormalization are also included. The book concludes with a discussion of two-particle states and the interaction of spinless bosons.
From the reviews of the third edition:
"Quantum electrodynamics (QED) nowadays is considered to be physics' most precise theory beneath the theory of general relativity. ... Greiner's and Reinhardt's book provides both teachers and students with all that is necessary to understand QED from its origin. And to the best of my knowledge, it is one of the few books that really do so. ... as a reference book, it forms a good companion to any other book on the shelf to show exactly how things are done." (T. Beier, Contemporary Physics, Vol. 45 (3), 2004)
"This completely revised and corrected new edition provides several new examples and exercises to enable deeper insight to formalism and application of Quantum electrodynamics. It is a thorough introductory text providing all necessary mathematical tools together with many examples and worked problems." (Revista Espanola de Fisica, Vol. 17 (6), 2003)
"The particular volume on quantum electrodynamics was first published in 1992, with a second edition in 1994 and now a third one at the end of 2002. : I have used the former edition(s) of this particular volume in a course on QED and it is a very good source to find all the details. ...The books of Greiner ... have owned their specific place in the literature on theoretical physics and this volume fits fully in that scheme." (Kris Heyde, Physicalia, Vol. 25 (4), 2003)