Title: Fabricating Printed Circuit Boards Author(s): Jon Varteresian Pages: 256 Publisher: Newnes; 1st edition Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 1878707507 ISBN-13: Description: Describes the process of making a printed circuit board, beginning with the conversion of a schematic diagram into a board layout to the fabrication of the board itself. Gives a complete overview of the printed circuit board design process.
Jon Varteresian is owner of JV Enterprises, a company specializing in the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards. He offers numerous tips and techniques from his years of experience that guarantee a smooth and painless PC board design and fabrication process using his step by step approach. Numerous illustrations and photographs demonstrate each step of the process. Topics covered in the book include: safety issues, schematic capture, circuit placement and routing, making printed circuit boards, and plans for projects. An extensive resource list and glossary are also provided.
* Gives a complete overview of the printed circuit board design process
* Describes how to produce printed circuit boards in small quantities (ideal for prototypes), with an emphasis on safety
* Author is owner a company specializing in the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards
The Schematic Symbol
1 Schematic Capture
Symbol Properties
Schematic Generation
Generating a Netlist
2 Basic Circuit Board Placement and Routing
Circuit Board Placement and Routing Basics
Placement and Routing Guidelines
General Placement Considerations
General Routing Considerations
3 Placement and Routing Considerations for Various Circuit Designs
Placement and Routing Considerations for General-purpose Analog Circuit Boards
Placement and Routing Considerations for General-purpose Digital Circuit Boards
Placement and Routing Considerations for High-performance Analog Circuit Boards
Placement and Routing Considerations for High-speed Digital Circuit Boards
Placement and Routing Considerations for RF Circuit Boards
Special RF Routing Techniques: Microstrip
Special RF Routing Techniques: Stripline
4 Real World Guidelines for Commercial Fabrication Houses
Design Guidelines
Sample Fabrication House Guidelines
Nexlogic Technologies Design Guidelines
Capital Electronics Design Guidelines
Generation of Design Files
A Photoplotter Tutorial
Vector Photoplotters
Raster Photoplotters
5 Making Printed Circuit Boards
Exposing and Developing the Resist Layer
Etching the Printed Circuit Board
Tin-Plating the Printed Circuit Board
Drilling and Shaping the Printed Circuit Board
6 Project Plans
Exposure Cone
Building the Exposure Cone
Building the Exposure Frame
Material List for the Exposure Frame
7 Resource List
General Supplies
Commercial Printed Circuit Board Fabrication Houses Design Services
APPENDIX A Data Monitor Project
How It Works
System Requirements
Description of Data Monitor Hardware
Personality Module
Installation and Description of Data Monitor Software
Data Monitor Operation
Message Structure
Firmware Flow Overview
Initialize Routine
Data Monitor Schematics and PCB Foils
Data Monitor Parts List
APPENDIX B Building the Data Monitor
Skills Needed
Equipment Needed
Building the Power Supply Section
Testing the Power Supply Section
Building the RS-232 Interface Section
Building the Microprocessor Section
Building the LED Status Section
Installing the Personality Module Connectors
Preparing the Chassis
Mounting the Circuit Board into the Chassis
General I/O-Temperature Personality Module Assembly
Building the Analog Input Section
Building the Digital Input Section
Building the Temperature Sensor Section
Attaching the Host Connectors
Mounting the General I/O-Temperature Module into the Data Monitor
Assembling the Input Breakout Connector
Testing the Data Monitor
APPENDIX C Data Monitor Temperature Sensor
Application Note
Setting Up the Data Monitor
Configuring the Data Monitor