Title: 1979-2007 Vehicle Wiring Diagrams v4.2 Author(s): 12voltresource.com Pages: Publisher: 12voltresource.com Publication date: 2007 Language: Format: CD ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: Nothing to install, just download and use......enjoy.....Converter
2 Volt Resource™ Aftermarket Installation CD-ROM v4.2 is designed to be the ultimate reference tool for anyone planning to install an aftermarket Security, Remote Start, Keyless Entry, Audio or Video device in their car, truck or SUV. From initial concept through deployment - The resources on this disk will guide you so the job gets done right the first time.
This is our premier product. This powerful installation tool contains complete vehicle installation wiring guides, vehicle wire colors, and diagrams for every car truck and SUV from 1979-2007.
*Designed to simplify installation of car alarms, remote starters, audio, video, and other aftermarket electrical systems
*Provides vehicle wire colors, locations, and polarity for all vehicles from 1979-2007
*Includes step-by-step installation instructions and tech notes
*The same program that is used by the professionals, but designed to also be suitable for novice installers
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