Title: VBScript Programmer's Reference, 2nd Edition (+source code) Author(s): Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Kathie Kingsley-Hughes, Daniel Read Pages: 720 Publisher: Wrox; 2 edition Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 0764559931 ISBN-13: Description: What is this book about?
The VBScript standard has changed over time, and several new things have been introduced since this book first published in 1999. The current standard for VBScript is 5.6. The script debugger, script control, and script encoder have all changed and the Windows Script Component Wizard, regular expressions, and remote scripting have been introduced. Windows Script Host technology has also matured over time and gained in both effectiveness and popularity.
VBScript Programmer's Reference, 2nd Edition begins with discussion of the general syntax, functions, keywords, style, error handling, and similar language-specific topics and then moves into an expanded reference section covering the object models in detail. The book combines a comprehensive overview of the VBScript technology and associated technologies with practical examples at every stage from beginner to advanced user.
Specific topics include the following:
* Variables and Data Types
* Procedures
* Error Handling and Debugging
* Windows Script Components
* Script Encoding
* Remote Scripting
* Data Objects
* Coding Conventions
Table of Contents
VBScript Programmer's Reference, Second Edition
Chapter 1 - A Quick Introduction to Programming
Chapter 2 - What VBScript Is - and Isn't!
Chapter 3 - Data Types
Chapter 4 - Variables and Procedures
Chapter 5 - Control of Flow
Chapter 6 - Error Handling and Debugging
Chapter 7 - The Scripting Runtime Objects
Chapter 8 - Classes in VBScript (Writing Your Own COM Objects)
Chapter 9 - Regular Expressions
Chapter 10 - Client-Side Web Scripting
Chapter 11 - Super-Charged Client-Side Scripting
Chapter 12 - Windows Script Host
Chapter 13 - Windows Script Components
Chapter 14 - Script Encoding
Chapter 15 - Remote Scripting
Chapter 16 - HTML Applications
Chapter 17 - Server-Side Web Scripting
Chapter 18 - Adding VBScript to Your VB Applications
Appendix A - VBScript Functions and Keywords
Appendix B - Variable Naming Convention
Appendix C - Coding Convention
Appendix D - Visual Basic Constants Supported in VBScript
Appendix E - VBScript Error Codes and the Err Object
Appendix F - The Scripting Runtime Library Object Reference
Appendix G - The Windows Script Host Object Model
Appendix H - Regular Expressions
Appendix I - VBScript Features not in VBA
Appendix J - VBA Features not in VBScript
Appendix K - The Variant Subtypes
Appendix L - ActiveX Data Objects
List of Figures