Title: Mac OS X Leopard Bible Author(s): Samuel A. Litt Pages: 953 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2008 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0470041749 ISBN-13: Description: Product Description
* This comprehensive one-stop guide offers nearly 1,000 pages of in-depth information on the latest Mac OS X version, including tips, secrets, and detailed how-to instructions
* Provides expert guidance on all of Leopard's new features, including the pro-level security tools and brand-new built-in applications
* Offers greatly enhanced coverage of Dashboard, Automator, wireless networking, and troubleshooting
* Topics covered include customizing the desktop, working with the Dock, searching with Finder, getting on the Internet, searching with Sherlock, using Apple Mail and iChat, synching with iSync, getting the most out of the iLife applications, setting up Leopard on a network, and tapping the power of Mac Unix
* There are currently more than 19 million Mac OS X users, and Apple shipped over 1.3 million Macs in the last quarter
From the Back Cover
Get up to speed on Mac OS X Leopard with this in-depth guide
The beauty of Leopard is that there is so much more than meets the eye, including over 300 new enhancements and its ability to run on both Intel PCs and PowerPC Macs. This comprehensive reference is your best guide on how to tame this powerful new cat. You'll find the latest technologies, new wireless networking, cool Dashboard widgets, a reflective Dock, and more. Discover secret tips and workarounds that even Apple doesn't know about.
Install Mac OS 10.5 Leopard and personalize your settings
Master Intel architecture and universal/binary applications
Set up a local network, share files, and deploy network services
Manage user accounts and tap all the utilities
Get the most out of the Automator, QuickLook, and new Parental Controls
Block ports, view logs, and maximize new Leopard security
See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details
* Paperback: 953 pages
* Publisher: Wiley (March 10, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0470041749