MIMO Wireless Communications: From Real-World Propagation to Space-Time Code Design free download online
Title: MIMO Wireless Communications: From Real-World Propagation to Space-Time Code Design Author(s): Claude Oestges , Bruno Clerckx Pages: 480 Publisher: Academic Press Publication date: 2007 Language: Format: Rar'd PDF ISBN-10: 0123725356 ISBN-13: Description: Review
This book offers important insights into how space-time coding can be tailored for real-world MIMO channels. The discussion of MIMO propagation models is also intuitive and well developed.
Professor Arogyaswami J. Paulraj, Stanford University, CA
Finally a book devoted to MIMO from a new perspective that bridges the boundaries between propagation, channel modeling, signal processing and space-time coding. It is of high reference value, combining intuitive and conceptual explanations with detailed, stringent derivations of basic facts of MIMO.
Ernst Bonek, Emeritus Professor, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
Book Description
The first book to bring together channel modelling and signal processing, enabling the development of highly effective MIMO Communications channels a key technology for attaining the next generation of 3G and the evolution to 4G.
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