Title: Radiotron Designer's Handbook, 4th Ed. Author(s): F. (ed.) Langford-Smith Pages: 1539 Publisher: R.C.A. Publication date: 1953 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: notes from me: i added two versions of the book: Optimized and not Optimized
if you can make a good Djvu version please make it and share. thanks
Prroduct Description
"This book has been written as a comprehensive, self-explanatory reference handbook for the benefit fo all who have an interest in the design and application of radio receivers or audio amplifiers. Everything outside this field---television, radio transmission, radar, industrial electronics, test equipment and so on---has been excluded to limit the book to a reasonable size. An effort has been made to produce a handbook which, in its own sphere, is as self-contained as possible. Extensive references to other sources of information have been included for the reader who might require additional detail. The success of the previous edition, of which over 280,000 copies have been sold throughout the world, encouraged Amalgamated Wireless Valve Company Pty., Ltd., to undertake the compilation of the present up-to-date edition which is more complete, great pains having been taken to fill in many of the gaps in the data published hitherto. This has involved a considerable amount of both experimental and analytical work by the editor and by engineers assisting in the project. Some original work, previously unpublished, has been included. Although the various chapters have been written by individual authors, all are truly the result of team work, each having been carefully and critically examined by several other engineers specializing in that particular field. In this way the accuracy of mathematical calculations and of individual statements was checked and re-checked to ensure that the reader would no be misinformed..." [from preface by F. Langford-Smith]