Title: How To Hydroponics Author(s): Keith F. Roberto Pages: 71 Publisher: Future Garden Inc Publication date: 2000 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0967202604 ISBN-13: Description: Review
This useful guide is 69 pages, well written, and easy to follow. It provides detailed instructions, step-by-step, on building your own hydroponic systems. The guide takes you from buying the parts to putting the plants into your working system.
It lists all the parts you'll need, approximate costs per item, and what kind of store you can find them in (plumbing, marine supply, hardware, home-improvement, etc.) It also includes information on the basic requirements of plant growth. The guide provides good photos to illustrate the instructions and includes diagrams with measurements for the exact minded. If you have the tools and have been dying to build your own system, I highly recommend trying this guide. Amy Knutson - The Growing Edge -- Publisher Comments
Product Description
How To Hydroponics Third Edition is the do it yourselfers dream guide to getting started with hydroponic gardening. Featuring in depth and fully illustrated examples of how to build cutting edge hydroponic and aeroponic systems capable of growing all your favorite foods, flowers, herbs and spices. The third edition includes chapters on indoor lighting for horticulture and ideas for small space indoor gardens. How To Hydroponics is an in depth guide that contains every once of knowledge you will need to be successful with hydroponics. You'll also learn how to make a market for your garden too!
See all Editorial Reviews
Product Details
* Paperback: 71 pages
* Publisher: Future Garden Inc; 3rd edition (March 1, 2000)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0967202604
* ISBN-13: 978-0967202600