Title: Learning Bayesian Networks (Artificial Intelligence) Author(s): Richard E. Neapolitan Pages: 674 Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0130125342 ISBN-13: Description: Learning Bayesian Networks offers the first accessible and unified text on the study and application of Bayesian networks. This book serves as a key textbook or reference for anyone with an interest in probabilistic modeling in the fields of computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering. This text is also a valuable supplemental resource for courses on expert systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Appropriate for classroom teaching or self-instruction, the text is organized to provide fundamental concepts in an accessible, practical format. Beginning with a basic theoretical introduction, the author then provides a comprehensive discussion of inference, methods of learning, and applications based on Bayesian networks and beyond.
Learning Bayesian Networks:
* Includes hundreds of examples and problems
* Makes learning easy by introducing complex concepts through simple examples
* Clarifies with separate discussions on statistical development of Bayesian networks and application to causality
About the Author
Richard E. Neapolitan has been a researcher in Bayesian networks and the area of uncertainty in artificial intelligence since the mid-1980s. In 1990, he wrote the seminal text, Probabilistic Reasoning in Expert Systems, which helped to unify the field of Bayesian networks. Dr. Neapolitan has published numerous articles spanning the fields of computer science, mathematics, philosophy of science, and psychology. Dr. Neapolitan is currently professor and chair of Computer Science at Northeastern Illinois University.