Control in Power Electronics: Selected Problems free download online

Title: Control in Power Electronics: Selected Problems
Author(s): Ramu Krishnan, J.D. Irwin (Authors). Marian P.Kazmierkowski, Frede Blaabjerg (Editors)
Pages: 544
Publisher: Academic Press; 1st edition
Publication date: 2002
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0124027725
Description: Control in Power Electronics brings together a team of leading experts as contributors. This is the first book to thoroughly combine control methods and techniques for power electronic systems. The development of new semiconductor power components, new topologies of converters from one side coupled with advances in modern control theory and digital signal processors has made this book possible and presents the applications necessary for modern design engineers. Personal computers would be unwieldy and inefficient without power electronic dc supplies. Portable communication devices and computers would also be impractical. High-performance lighting systems, motor controls, and a wide range of industrial controls depend on power electronics. In the near future we can expect strong growth in automotive applications, dc power supplies for communication systems, portable applications, and high-end converters. We are approaching a time when all electrical energy will be processed and controlled through power electronics somewhere in the path from generation to end use.

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