Title: Castings, Second Edition Author(s): John Campbell Pages: 352 Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Publication date: June 12, 2003 Language: English Format: pdf ISBN-10: 0750647906 ISBN-13: Description: Praise for Castings - first edition "Castings is a must reference for all foundry engineers and castings designers" - American Foundrymens Society "Its author has himself made an outstanding contribution to the advance in the science and engineering" - Cast Metals Journals "This excellent book goes a long way towards bridging the gulf between theory and practice..." - Materials Science and Engineering "Entertaining and fun to read...with realism, enthusiasm and a dry sense of humour" - The Metallurgist and Materials Technologist "This is a work which the casting industry should welcome with open arms. No foundry, and no foundry technologist, can afford to be without it." - Foundry Trade Journal