Learn Hardware Firmware and Software Design free download online

Title: Learn Hardware Firmware and Software Design
Author(s): O G Popa
Pages: 368
Publisher: O G Popa
Publication date: 2005
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0973567872
Description: This book is a Practical Design Project and it contains 3 Parts: 1.Hardware Design guides the reader towards building the LHFSD PCB with a Microchip dsPIC30F4011 microcontroller running at 80MHz. Various hardware modules are built, one at a time, and they are thoroughly explained. 2.Firmware design uses the Microchip C30 compiler. 10 Projects are built, entirely in C, and they test all hardware modules designed in Part 1. 3.Software Design is developed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6. The 7 software Applications developed take control over firmware, and the implement additional, increased functionality. Review LHFSD is a book unlike any other! It covers the title topics in an incredible manner, and everything WORKS! --Corollary Theorems May, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THIS BOOK REQUIREMENTS CREDITS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF FIGURES PART 1 HARDWARE DESIGN CHAPTER H1: MICROCONTROLLERS H1.1 General Presentation H1.2 Microcontroller's Pins H1.3 Application Notes H1.4 Prices and Footprints Considerations CHAPTER H2: OSCILLATOR CIRCUITS H2.1 Oscillator Circuits H2.2 Crystal Oscillator Circuit H2.3 Ceramic Resonator Oscillator Circuit CHAPTER H3: POWER SUPPLY H3.1 Voltage Regulators H3.2 The power supply circuit CHAPTER H4: MPLABR ICD2 INTERFACE H4.1 The MPLABR ICD2 Interface CHAPTER H5: THE RS232 INTERFACE H5.1 The RS232 Standard H5.2 The RS232 Standard IC Driver Interface H5.3 Custom RS232 Interface CHAPTER H6: SERIAL TO PERIPHERAL INTERFACE - SPIR H6.1 The SPIR Bus H6.2 The Custom SPI Bus CHAPTER H7: DIGITAL INPUTS AND OUTPUTS H7.1 Discrete Digital Inputs and External Interrupt function H7.2 Serialized Digital Inputs H7.3 Discrete Digital Outputs H7.4 Serialized Digital Outputs CHAPTER H8: ANALOG INPUTS LHFSD TABLE OF CONTENTS H8.1 Analog to Decimal Conversion - ADC H8.2 Analog Inputs CHAPTER H9: THE BARGRAPH AND THE SEVEN-SEGMENTS DISPLAY MODULES H9.1 The Bargraph Module 85 H9.2 The Seven-Segments Led Display Module 89 CHAPTER H10: STEPPER MOTORS DRIVER MODULE 93 10.1 Stepper Motors 93 10.2 Stepper Driver Module 94 CHAPTER H11: PCB DESIGN 99 H11.1 PCB Design 99 H11.2 The Bill of Materials - BOM 102 CHAPTER H12: HARDWARE DESIGN 106 H12.1 Things You Need to Know 106 H12.2 General Facts About Testing Hardware 107 PART 2: FIRMWARE DESIGN 110 CHAPTER F1: THE FIRST FIRMWARE PROJECT 111 F1.1 Firmware Environment Setup 111 F1.2 Suggested Documentation 127 CHAPTER F2: MUTIPLE C FILES PROJECT WITH ONE SOURCE FILE - PROJECT FD1 129 F2.1 Project FD1 F2.2 File utilities.c F2.3 File data.c F2.4 File main.c F2.5 MPLAB ICD2 useful settings tips F2.6 Testing FD1 F2.7 Considerations about C Firmware programming CHAPTER F3: REAL-TIME MULTITASKING F3.1 Processor Time Management F3.2 Programming with Interrupts F3.3 File timers.c F3.4 File interrupts.c F3.5 File main.c CHAPTER F4: I/O AND SPI F4.1 File IO.c LHFSD TABLE OF CONTENTS F4.2 File SPI.c: PISO routines F4.3 File SPI.c: DAC routines F4.4 File SPI.c: SIPO Routines CHAPTER F5: ANALOG INPUTS AND EXTERNAL INTERRUPTS F5.1 File ad.c F5.2 Interrupt on Pin Change F5.3 Working with timers 2 and 3 in Timer Mode; file various.c F5.4 Working with pulses and with timer4 in Counter Mode CHAPTER F6: RS232 ROUTINES F6.1 RS232 Firmware Protocol; ASCII and Binary Data Formats F6.2 HyperTerminalR Setup F6.3 File RS232.c CHAPTER F7: DRIVING STEPPER MOTORS F7.1 Unipolar and Bipolar Stepper Motors driving sequences F7.2 File step.c F7.3 End of Part 2 FIRMWARE DESIGN PART 3: SOFTWARE DESIGN CHAPTER S1: THE FIRST SOFTWARE APPLICATION S1.1 Visual Basic 6 Compiler S1.2 Building an MDI Interface S1.3 Customizing the MDI Interface CHAPTER S2: SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS - RS232 S2.1 The MSComm Object S2.2 SD2: the Software RS232 Interface S2.3 Custom Continuous Loop RS232 Messaging Protocol - Project FD7 S2.4 Custom Continuous Loop RS232 Messaging Protocol - SD3 application C

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