Title: Gas Dynamics (Volume 1) Author(s): Maurice J. Zucrow, Joe D. Hoffman Pages: 784 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 1976 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 047198440X ISBN-13: 9780471984405 Description: Reviews
Nagarajan Narayanaswamy (Toronto, ON, Canada):
If you want to understand about Gas Dynamics, better read this book. It can be either used as a text book or as a reference. A must for a person dealing with thermo-fluid mechanics.
David J. Hill (Ashland, KY USA):
I used this book in Graduate School at Purdue in a Gas Dynamics class taught by the co-author, J.D. Hoffman. A excellent, in-depth text, that starts with the fundamentals and builds. The best and most comprehensive book on the subject I've seen.