Title: Geometry Revisited Author(s): H.S.M. Coxeter, Samuel L. Greitzer Pages: 207 Publisher: The Mathematical Association of America; 1st edition Publication date: 1967 Language: English Format: DJVU ISBN-10: 0883856190 ISBN-13: Description: Among the many beautiful and nontrivial theorems in geometry found in Geometry Revisited are the theorems of Ceva, Menelaus, Pappus, Desargues, Pascal, and Brianchon. A nice proof is given of Morley's remarkable theorem on angle trisectors. The transformational point of view is emphasized: reflections, rotations, translations, similarities, inversions, and affine and projective transformations. Many fascinating properties of circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and conics are developed.
'The book is rich in remarkable facts and thereby is very effective in promoting the significance and the value of geometry in mathematical teaching, a promotion which is very necessary.' Mathematical Reviews