Hackers Beware: The Ultimate Guide to Network Security free download online

Title: Hackers Beware: The Ultimate Guide to Network Security
Author(s): Eric Cole
Pages: 800
Publisher: Sams; 1 edition
Publication date: 2001
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0735710090
Description: In Hackers Beware, Eric Cole succeeds in explaining how hackers break into computers, steal information, and deny services to machines' legitimate users. An intended side effect of his documentary efforts is a feeling for how network-connected computers should be configured for maximum resistance to attack. Cole, who works with the attack-monitoring SANS Institute as an instructor and security consultant, conveys to his readers specific knowledge of offensive and defensive weaponry as well as general familiarity with attack strategies and good security practices. Hackers Beware is a good primer and really earns its price by going into enough detail to enable readers to actually do something to make their resources safer. It also enables its readers to understand more specialized security texts, including Stephen Northcutt's fine Intrusion Signatures and Analysis. Cole's didactic style is largely conversational, embracing the fact that most computer exploits can be conveyed as stories about what hackers want and the steps they take to achieve their goals. He punctuates his prose passages with line drawings that clarify what gets passed among the machines involved in an attack, and pauses frequently to show programs' user interfaces and passages from their logs. Cole explains all the jargon he uses--a characteristic that alone distinguishes this book from many of its competitors. --David Wall Topics covered: What motivates black-hat hackers, and the technical means they use to go about satisfying their ambitions. General attack strategies--spoofing, password cracking, social engineering, and buffer overflows, among others--are explained, and the tools used to carry them out are catalogued. The same goes for defensive tools and practices. -Alan Paller, Director of Research, The SANS Institute The depth of Eric's understanding is obvious and his extraordinary teaching style comes right through to the reader. About the Author About the Technical Reviewers Acknowledgments Tell Us What You Think Introduction 1. Introduction The Golden Age of Hacking How Bad Is the Problem? What Are Companies Doing? What Should Companies Be Doing? Defense in Depth Purpose of This Book Legal Stuff What's Covered In This Book Summary 2. How and Why Hackers Do It What Is an Exploit? The Attacker's Process The Types of Attacks Categories of Exploits Routes Attackers Use to Get In Goals Attackers Try to Achieve Summary 3. Information Gathering Steps for Gathering Information Information Gathering Summary Red Teaming Summary 4. Spoofing Why Spoof? Types of Spoofing Summary 5. Session Hijacking Spoofing versus Hijacking Types of Session Hijacking TCP/IP Concepts Detailed Description of Session Hijacking ACK Storms Programs That Perform Hijacking Dangers Posed by Hijacking Protecting Against Session Hijacking Summary 6. Denial of Service Attacks What Is a Denial of Service Attack? What Is a Distributed Denial of Service Attack? Why Are They Difficult to Protect Against? Types of Denial of Service Attacks Tools for Running DOS Attacks Tools for Running DDOS Attacks Preventing Denial of Service Attacks Preventing Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Summary 7. Buffer Overflow Attacks What Is a Buffer Overflow? How Do Buffer Overflows Work? Types of Buffer Overflow Attacks Why Are So Many Programs Vulnerable? Sample Buffer Overflow Protecting Our Sample Application Ten Buffer Overflow Attacks Protection Against Buffer Overflow Attacks Summary 8. Password Security Typical Attack The Current State of Passwords History of Passwords Future of Passwords Password Management Password Attacks Summary 9. Microsoft NT Password Crackers Where Are Passwords Stored in NT? How Does NT Encrypt Passwords? All Passwords Can Be Cracked (NT Just Makes It Easier) NT Password-Cracking Programs Comparison Extracting Password Hashes

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