Title: Zenner Effect Author(s): Pages: 20 Publisher: Trickshop Publication date: 2005 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: The Zenner Effect with Zennerism
Based upon David Britland's "Zennerism," THE ZENNER EFFECT offers you the cleanest and easiest to perform handling for this devastating mentalism effect to date. You and a spectator each begin with a standard set of five different ESP symbol cards - Circle, Cross, Wavy Lines, Square and Star. The spectator pockets one of her cards and then, one by one, attempts to match each card you lay face down on the table by placing one of her own symbol cards face up on top of it. When the cards are finally flipped over - the symbols of every pair match exactly, including your last card and the spectator's pocketed card. The odds against such an outcome? 120 to one! Even so, THE ZENNER EFFECT works perfectly every time.