Title: Set in Darkness Author(s): Ian Rankin Pages: 1 Publisher: Orion Books Publication date: 2000 Language: Format: TXT ISBN-10: 0752877224 ISBN-13: Description: Set in Darkness is a 2000 novel by Ian Rankin. It is the eleventh of the Inspector Rebus novels.
Plot summary
The Scottish Parliament is about to reopen in Edinburgh after 300 years. Detective Inspector John Rebus is in charge of liaison, as the new parliament is in his patch. While on a tour of Queensberry House, which is to be incorporated into the new Parliament, a fireplace where legend has it a youth was burned to death is opened up and another, more recent murder victim is found. Then, a prospective MSP called Roddy Grieve is found murdered, and Rebus is expected to find instant answers.
The title[1] comes from the poem "The Old Astronomer to his pupil"[2] by Sarah Williams.