Title: Technical Math Demystified Author(s): Stan Gibilisco Pages: 412 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071459499 ISBN-13: Description: Here is a complete self-teaching guide for anyone needing knowledge of math as it applies to engineering and technical fields.
From the Back Cover
The FAST and EASY way to learn technical math
Now anyone can grasp the fundamentals of technical math -- without formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In Technical Math Demystified, bestselling science writer Stan Gibilisco provides an effective, illuminating, and entertaining way to learn this complex subject.
This self-teaching guide first explains basic concepts such as linear, nonlinear, and multivariable equations, geometry, and coordinate systems. Then you'll move on to logarithms, exponential functions, trigonometry, Boolean algebra, vectors, and single-variable calculus. Featuring end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam, this book will teach you how to solve technical math problems in no time.
This hands-on, self-teaching text offers:
* An easy way to understand technical and applied math
* No unnecessary or arcane jargon
* Plenty of practice problems with worked-out solutions
* A quiz at the end of each chapter to reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses
* A comprehensive final exam
* A time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at work!
Simple enough for real beginners, but challenging enough for math-savvy readers, Technical Math Demystified is your shortcut to a working knowledge of applied mathematics essential to today's scientific, engineering, and technical fields.