Title: C Traps and Pitfalls Author(s): Andrew Koenig Pages: 160 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publication date: 1989 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0201179288 ISBN-13: Description: * Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
* Number Of Pages: 160
* Publication Date: 1989-01-11
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0201179288
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780201179286
* Binding: Paperback
Amazon.com Review:
C Traps and Pitfalls teaches how the peculiarities of the C language make it easy for the intended behavior of a program and the actual behavior of a program to differ. The book's experienced author, Koenig, follows up with examples and helpful advice on many of these "pitfalls." Each chapter includes exercises for contemplation with accompanying discussions at the end of the book.
Summary: Nice little book
Rating: 5
To preface my review, I learned how to program in C four years ago as an undergraduate engineer, but didn't really get into it until I started my graduate studies about a year and a half ago. I would describe myself as a very competent C programmer, but by no means an expert.
There are many doorstops that call themselves C programming reference books, including the one that I used as an undergrad. This book should be on any C programmer's shelf as the first go-to guide during debuggings. I found this book very helpful, despite the fact that it is almost 20 years old (pre-ANSI C). It highlights many issues that I have pulled my hair out trying to find and fix in the programs I have written over the years, and also some new bugs that have yet to bite me. Perhaps my original C text wasn't the best to begin with, but the proper usage of many aspects of C have been explained to me with this text, such as safely writing macros and using the static keyword (especially with multiple-file programs), just to name a few. He also explains (in an appendix) using the library variable-argument functions, which I have been trying to get working without any success...until now.
This is a small book, and I read a chapter or two every night for a few days. Programming isn't exactly page-turning literature, but the author makes his point clearly and concisely. I highly recommend this book for students and practicing programmers alike.