Title: FRAVIA PAGES OF REVERSE ENGINEERING Author(s): FRAVIA Pages: 5056 Publisher: FRAVIA Publication date: 98 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: This is a little goodie I collected a while back.....enjoy - Converter :)
Software reverse engineering and web survival arguments
Software protection techniques and tools
Anonymity on the Web: stalking, enemy tracking and other techniques
Reality cracking and anti-advertisement techniques and tools
How to search the web: combing, klebing and other strategies
cookies removal; bots and web-spiders trapping; anti-Microsoft and anti-Netscape scripts and tricks; tools for software reverse engineering; cgi-cracking; user self-defense; corporate survival counter measures; home-pages capering and password cracking techniques; commercial smut sites busting; Java applets reversing; vxd monitoring; steganographical and cryptological reversing matters; Javascript based site protection and deprotection techniques; email patterns reversing
On the Web since 1995!
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fravia is a pseudonym/handle for a European cracker (his real name, according to his autobiography, is Fjalar Ravia) who is probably best known for his web archive of reverse engineering techniques and papers. Mirrors of the old web site ( still exist (see, e.g., Internet Archive), though Fravia has publicly requested their removal in favor of his new web-searching-centric sites.
He leads people from becoming 'crackers' to reversers, both in the sense of software reverse engineering, and as an ideology. He is strongly against advertisements, software user-restrictions, and what he claims to be needless software protectionism. He is interested in written history, language, information theory, and is known to speak Finnish, German, English, Italian, Spanish and French.
His principal interests are now advanced web searching techniques, e.g. how to write your own search bots, how to "cut through the web" to your targets using special search strings (webbits), and how to find on the deep Web anything that could have been digitized, inter alia unknown music pieces, rare books or images whose names you don't even know or remember.
His anti-commercial attitude is well known: there is not a single banner or advertisement on his sites.
Similarly, his writings and workshops always underline and demonstrate his belief that the very structure of the web was made for sharing, not hoarding or selling.
Since October 2000, Fravia got in touch with Richard Stallman at a LinuxDay event in Milan to which they were invited by a common friend. This meeting induced Fravia to start exploring and helping free software and free culture.