Title: Handbook of Mathematics Author(s): I.N. Bronshtein, K.A. Semendyayev, G. Musiol, H. Muehlig Pages: 1164 Publisher: Springer; 5th ed. edition Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 3540721215 ISBN-13: Description: This guide book to mathematics contains in handbook form the fundamental working knowledge of mathematics which is needed as an everyday guide for working scientists and engineers, as well as for students. Easy to understand, and convenient to use, this guide book gives concisely the information necessary to evaluate most problems which occur in concrete applications. In the newer editions emphasis was laid on those fields of mathematics that became more important for the formulation and modeling of technical and natural processes, namely Numerical Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics, as well as Information Processing. For the 5th edition, the chapters "Computer Algebra Systems" and "Dynamical Systems and Chaos" were fundamentally revised, updated and expanded. In the chapter "Algebra and Discrete Mathematics" a section on "Finite Fields and Shift Registers" was added.
This book has a long history. The Pocketbook of Mathematics by I. N. Bronstein and K.A. Semendjajew was originally translated from Russian into German by Viktor Ziegler. It appeared in 1958, published by the B. G. Teubner Verlag in Leipzig, and has become in the mean time a standard in the German language with 18 editions until 1978. Toward the end of the last century it was decided to bring this classic up to date, not only with respect to the presented material, but also with respect to the breadth and kind of presentation; this was carried out under the supervision of Eberhard Zeidler, who wrote all chapters except that on scientific computing, which was authored by Wolfgang Hackbusch and Hans Rudolf Schwarz. This appeared, again by Teubner-Verlag, in 1996. The work was so fundamentally different than its predecessors that Oxford University Press felt it would be worth translating it, and they assigned Bruce Hunt that job of doing so. The translator has done his best to keep the spirit of the book as in the original, at the same time including a series of corrections which had been reported by astute readers or which were spotted in the process of translating the volume. Furthermore the translator has gone to great pains to improve the graphical quality of the text, as this improves the ease with which the material can be absorbed by the reader.
Summary: Loaded with Content
Rating: 5
This book is exactly what the title says it is; a handbook of mathematical techniques and formulas for scientists and engineers. It is more a handbook than a book on mathematics and assumes a prior knowledge on the subjects covered. Readers of this english version of the Bronshtein should take note that it is a "raw" translation of the german version and so some discussion may not do justice to the theory. This in no way takes away from the fact it is an exceptional book and you'd be hard pressed to find any other book with more mathematical content.
Summary: There are several Bronshteins
Rating: 3
Bronstein's "Taschenbuch der Mathematik" is a longtime favorite among german science and engineering students. English language readers should be aware however, that there are numerous different editions of this book. Not only were the german editions constantly enlarged and reworked, but there were also two publishers of the same book, one in East Germany (Teubner Verlag), one in West Germany (Harri Deutsch Verlag). Today both of these publishers sell a "Taschenbuch der Mathematik" based on the original Bronstein, yet they are completely different books. The english edition by Springer Verlag advertised above is based on the current Harri Deutsch edition. An english translation of the Teubner edition is now available as the "Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics" from Oxford University Press. It is mostly considered to be the better 'Bronstein' (even though Teubner and OUP have dropped his name because the new edition was completely rewritten by E. Zeidler).
Summary: Clasic
Rating: 5
For me it was a remarkable fact, how few of the people in western countries have heard about this handbook. In the east this is probably the most popular mathematical handbook ever. I dont know any eastern european scientist in a field of mathematics, engineering and physics who don't have it. The main reason is it's extensivity and usefulness. In Croatian print it has about 1000 pages in very small format covering all possible parts of applied mathematics up to special functions/markov chains/complex integration/vector algebra. It's "allways in backpack book" and my hot recomandation to any technical scientist.