Communications Systems (+Solution Manual) free download online

Title: Communications Systems (+Solution Manual)
Author(s): Simon Haykin
Pages: 816
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 4th edition
Publication date: 2000
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0471178691
Description: This best-selling, easy to read, communication systems book has been extensively revised to include an exhaustive treatment of digital communications. Throughout, it emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner. Guides students through topics ranging from pulse modulation to passband digital transmission, and from random processes to error-control coding. Dozens of examples that relate to real-world communication systems. For undergraduates. DLC: Telecommunication. Review: one of the best... having spent 2 quarters of preparation in learning "signal and systems", we moved to this book for the 3rd quarter and got through 40% of it in 10 weeks at Caltech. It's one of the harder text books to read, only because it contains so much information in every section of every chapter. Following through all the formulas and derivation isn't always trivial, but when if you manage to do so, everything becomes crystal clear. Review: A BOOK FOR PROFESSORS NOT STUDENTS IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THIS BOOK COMPLETELY YOU MUST READ IT MAY BE HUNDREDS TIMES,IF YOU HAVE TIME!MATHEMATICAL AND LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS ARE ACTUALLY NOT ENOUHG.SOMETHINGS THAT MAY BE EXPLAINED IN A FEW MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS WERE EXPLAINED IN A LOT OF TEXT.WHY?I REALLY DID NOT UNDERSTAND THAT. Review: Definitely not the best First, you really need to have prior exposure to the subject to thoroughly understand some of the topics involved. Some equations are introduced 'ad hoc' and are not explained, even intuitively. If you want to know the 'why' and 'how', look to other books such as Lathi's and Proakis's, which are much better. I found their books to be more systematic, more organized, and simply more logical. Our professors at my university do not seem to like this book, and the students now know why. We switched to Communication Systems Engineering by Proakis, which is more mathematically sound and much clearer. However, you can gain some useful insights from Haykin's book, so I give it two stars instead of one because everything in Haykin's book cannot necessarily be found elsewhere, so it is of use at times. Review: Excellent introductory textbook I realized that someone else wrote a review under my name, giving a low rate (one star) to this book. I have never written a review for this book before. This is my firt review and I find this book an excellent textbook for a senior level course in communication systems. It covers thouroughly most of the basics of analog and digital communication systems. The latest edition has been updated to cover more recent material on the subject of communication systems. I strongly recommend this book as a textbook for senior-level courses. Review: A nice book with some errors Dr. Haykin's book on Communication Systems is one of the standard textbook in the world. It is the first book from which many EE students start to learn the theory of communications. I have used several books written by Dr. Proakis and Dr. Haykin in my class for many years. Haykin's book features complete (and concise) coverage of fundamental topics in communications, and is mathmatically clear. However, the high standard required for an excellent writer is not completely achieved in this book. First, in Example 1.3 (middle of Page 39), the derivation process of the conditional expectation is misleading: the condition $t_dSecondly, in Eq. (1.98) (Page 63), the dummy variable t inside an integral appears in w'(t), which is obviously wrong. Thirdly, in Eq. (3.20) (Page 191), the absolute value symbol is missing in two terms related to the magnitude |H(f)|. Also, in Figure 3.6 (b) (Page 190), the phase arg[H(f)] is not illustrated correctly. There are other errors throughout this book (even in the 4th Edition!). Also, many problems in Haykin's book are quite lengthy and not well-suited for midterm and final exams from an instructor's perspective. I wonder where to

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