Title: Digital Control Author(s): Kannan Moudgalya Pages: 568 Publisher: Wiley-Interscience Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0470031433 ISBN-13: Description: From the Back Cover
Digital control systems are becoming increasingly prevalent and important within industry. In recent years significant progress has been made in their analysis and design - particularly within the areas of microprocessors and digital signal processors. The traditional approach to teaching digital control assumes an understanding of analog control theory; Digital Control, however, teaches the fundamentals of the topics, assuming no prior knowledge of control engineering. Organised into five sections, it discusses modelling, signal processing and identification of plants from measurements, as well as the transfer function approach to, and state space techniques for, control design.
* Teaches the fundamentals of digital control, enabling the student to exploit the complete potential of digital systems.
* Presents a number of control techniques including proportional-integral-derivative (PID), pole placement, internal model, minimum variance, model predictive and linear quadratic Gaussian control and their extensions.
* Provides an extensive introduction to digital signal processing, an essential component to the understanding and implementation of digital controllers; and to the identification of plant models, an important topic in this information era.
* Includes examples, problems and solutions as well as accompanying MatLAB code.
Digital Control offers an advanced and self-contained textbook to senior undergraduates and postgraduates in chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering and computer science. It will also appeal to practicing systems engineers who need to learn digital control.
List ofMatlab Code
List of Acronyms
1 Introduction
2 Modelling of Sampled Data Systems
I Digital Signal Processing
3 LinearSystem
4 Z-Transform
5 Frequency Domain Analysis
II Identification
6 Identification
III Transfer Function Approach to Controller Design
7 Structures and Specifications
8 Proportional, Integral, Derivative Controllers
9 Pole Placement Controllers
10 Special Cases of Pole Placement Control
11 Minimum Variance Control
12 Model Predictive Control
13 Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
IV State Space Approach to Controller Design
14 State Space Techniques in Controller Design
Appendix A Supplementary Material
A.1 Mathematical Relations
A.1.1 Differentiation of a Quadratic Form
A.1.2 Diagonalization of Square Matrices
A.2 Installation and Use of Software
A.3 Problems
Index of Matlab Code