Title: Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook, Volume 2: Cryogenics (Aerospace Press) Author(s): Martin Donabedian, David G. Gilmore (Editors) Pages: 641 Publisher: AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Ast; 2nd edition Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDFs ISBN-10: 1884989144 ISBN-13: 9781884989148 Description: The number of satellite systems that require some form of cryogenic cooling has grown enormously over the last several years. With so many engineers, scientists, and technicians working on cryogenic systems for the first time in their careers, the need for a single resource that touched on all the technologies relevant to cryogenics was apparent.
The book includes 23 chapterswritten by industry expertsthat will help the reader in the design, analysis, integration, testing, and operation of a variety of instruments, sensors, and other devices that must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures. Sections include:
Stored Expendable Cooling Systems; Cryogenic Radiators and Radiant Coolers; Cryocoolers (Mechanical Refrigerators); Cryogenic Components, Transport, Storage, and Integration; Thermal Margins, Estimating Risks, and Lessons Learned; IR Sensor Thermal Modeling and Analysis; and Cooler Specifications and Material Properties.