Title: OOP Demystified Author(s): James Keogh, Mario Giannini Pages: 288 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 0072253630 ISBN-13: Description: Learn object-oriented programming in no time with help from this easy-to-understand guide, ideal for novice and expert programmers alike. Discover why objects are so successful as the model for this type of programming and how objects are classified. Distinguish between how people see the world and how computers "see" it. Learn about attributes and methods, inheritance, polymorphism, real-world and case modeling, object-oriented programming languages, and much more. Each chapter ends with a quiz, culminating in a final exam at the end of the book so you can test your knowledge.
The fast and easy way to understanding the fundamentals of OOP Want to learn about object-oriented programming quickly and easily? Looking to brush up on modeling, classes, and attributes? Then OOP Demystified is the easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidebook that will help you figure out the ins-and-outs of object-oriented programming (OOP). Written for anyone without formal training in the subject, OOP Demystified teaches complex OOP topics in clear, plain language--from the reasons why objects are successful as models for programming to case modeling, class diagrams, interfaces, and much more. The authors leave out unnecessary, time-consuming information to deliver the essentials you need to begin and maintain all your OOP projects. Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, OOP Demystified is your shortcut to mastering object-oriented programming. This one-of-a-kind self-teaching text offers: An easy way to understand OOP A quiz at the end of each chapter A final exam at the end of the book No unnecessary technical jargon A time-saving approach