Title: Resumes For Dummies Author(s): Joyce Lain Kennedy Pages: 386 Publisher: Wiley Publication date: 2007 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 047008037X ISBN-13: Description: s your job search stalling out after you submit a resume but before you're offered an interview? With reinvented recruiting technology, unmanageable millions of resumes choking employer databases, and government mandates in the name of diversity, a gigantic change has occurred in the recruiting world over the past several yearsand it demands a fresh look at how you write and market your resumes.
Whether you're entering the job market for the first time, changing jobs, or changing careers, Resumes for Dummies, 5th Edition will show you the ropes and rules for a new era in recruiting and job finding. With 85ew content added since the previous edition, this up-to-date guide gives you the very latest strategies on how to create, and more importantly, distribute your resume in today's new job search environment. You'll learn:
* Why most generic online resumes fail
* How to customize resumes for each job opening
* New quick ways to find the right jobs
* How to use meta search engines to your advantage
* Why both digital and print versions of resumes are still needed
* How to use resumes interactively
* The resume basics that still knock 'em dead
* How to create resumes for your life's changing phases
* What to do after you send them your resume
With a wealth of sample resumesorganized by industry and career field, experience level and age, and special circumstancesalong with tips on choosing professional resume help and other valuable resources, Resumes for Dummies, 5th Edition will help you get noticed in a universe saturated with billions of resumes and more on the way.