Title: Dinosaur (Eyewitness Guides) Author(s): Angela C. Milner & David Norman Pages: 74 Publisher: DK Publishers Ltd Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0751364851 ISBN-13: Description: This text explores the world of the dinosaurs - their evolution, behaviour and habits. Starting with a comparison of a dinosaur and a living iguana, the book goes on to examine these animals in detail, including a head-to-tail study of one of the biggest dinosaurs ever, Diplodocus. Well-preserved fossils from millions of years ago help tell the dinosaurs' story - how they laid eggs, attacked and defended themselves, fed, and how they lived. Fossil evidence may also provide answers to the great mystery of their sudden extinction. Produced in association with the Natural History Museum, London, "Dinosaur" is an informative visual guide to what surely must be the most fascinating group of reptiles that ever lived.