The C Programming Language (2nd Edition) free download online

Title: The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
Author(s): Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
Pages: 274
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 2 edition
Publication date: 1988
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0131103628
Description: Just about every C programmer I respect learned C from this book. Unlike many of the 1,000 page doorstops stuffed with CD-ROMs that have become popular, this volume is concise and powerful (if somewhat dangerous) -- like C itself. And it was written by Kernighan himself. Need we say more? Describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. Meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. Examples included. Paper. DLC: C (Computer program language) Review: Great book! This book is a great book for learning C programming. It can be somewhat difficult, but when you are done, you will have a very solid understanding of C programming. Review: Excellent resource for C C is easily the most important programming language. Windows, Linux, etc, are written in C. Most computer languages are written in C. There's a reason for this: speed and control of computer resources. The virtue of speed is self-evident. The virtue of proper stack, cache, memory, and I/O management is just as significant. Learning to program in C teaches you to respect and get the most from the computer's hardware. This is especially true if you program in other languages. C also teaches coding discipline. This book is not an easy read. It's a rewarding read. It does not code for you; it does not hold your hand. (As in anything else in life, hand-holding retards your development.) To become good at coding, you need to practice a lot. You need to fail a lot. You need to climb over your frustrations and plug away until you "get" it. C won't give you instant gratification like PHP, Perl, Ruby, et al. Instant gratification is overrated, especially when it comes to computer programming. Haste so often makes waste. I do not claim that learning C is mandatory for being a good programmer in another language. I will claim, however, that if you're solid in your C skills, then you will be a good programmer with a very marketable skill that will differentiate you from the masses who have no clue about things like spatial locality or two's complement, etc. If you have a true desire to become a superior programmer in any language, buy and read this book. Review: A Must have for all C Programmers I've been writing professional C code for over 3 years and coding in C for much longer and I think this is a must have for all C programmers. Love the writing style... love the mode of teaching... everything. Review: Very authoritative book, but some tech background needed Seeing as this is written by the guy who invented C, you cant go wrong when it comes to accuracy and information here. Overall, the book sets a good pace, and explains all the concepts quite well. However, there are some leaps in logic, and having the help of a somewhat "easier" book will help readers without a background in science/logic/math/whatever. Something along the lines of the "for Dummies" books would be an example. Even so, the chapters make sense, and everything is explained well, but good luck doing the sample problems based upon what you learned in the chapters without the aid of a secondary source. Review: So old, but so good This is an intensive bible to C. It includes not only as a reference, but a tutorial. It was made almost 30 years ago, but it is still invaluable to today's programmers. It is an absolute must for any C or C++ programmer.

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