Title: Mind Performance Hacks Author(s): Ron Hale -Evans Pages: 330 Publisher: O'reilly Publication date: 2006 Language: English Format: chm ISBN-10: 0596101538 ISBN-13: Description: Hack 45. Predict the Length of a Lifetime
Physicist J. Richard Gott III has so far correctly predicted when the Berlin Wall would fall and calculated the duration of 44 Broadway shows.1 Controversially, he has predicted that the human race will probably exist between 5,100 and 7.8 million more years, but no longer. He argues that this is a good reason to create self-sustaining space colonies: if the human race puts some eggs in other nests, we might extend the life span of our species in case of an asteroid strike or nuclear war on the home planet.2
Gott believes that his simple calculations can be extended to almost anything at all, within certain parameters. To predict how long something will be around by using these calculations, all you need to know is how long it has been around already.