Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft Applications free download online

Title: Introduction to Space Sciences and Spacecraft Applications
Author(s): Bruce A. Campbell
Pages: 237
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Publication date: September 1996
Language: English
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 0884154114
Description: This book does what it says, gives you the basics and an introduction to Space Sciences. But if you are trying to learn some of the deeper lessons in this book it comes up short. I read the book in two days. I did not try and figure out most to the Q & A at the end of each chapter. Luckily, the instructor for the class that I bought this book for, worked at NASA for 30 years and has worked may years with its author. The reason I say luckily is because even though this book is an intro book, some of the math equations are pretty tough and not explained well. So if you buy this book and want to figure out some of the problems, I suggest good algebra skills and knowledge. Some basics physics and astronomy would help to.

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