Title: Professional Ruby on Rails Author(s): Noel Rappin Pages: 457 Publisher: Wrox Publication date: 2008 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 047022388X ISBN-13: Description: This book bridges the gap between what you'll learn from a typical beginner book about Ruby on Rails and what you'll need to know to create a solid, professional, spectacular, complex web application. Professional Ruby on Rails is a guide to taking a beginner web site and making it great. The book covers topics of interest to a web professional who is trying to develop and deploy a complex application. These topics include:
Using REST to structure your application cleanly
How to test and deploy your application for maximum automation with minimal headache
Protecting your site and your user's data
Using Rails to create the kinds of interactions that web users are coming to expect
The current Rails books are either beginner books, cookbook-style books, or specifically aimed at Ajax development. This book will fill the void for a book that discusses in-depth the information that a developer would need in order to move from a basic site to a fully featured web application.