Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills free download online

Title: Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills
Author(s): Paul J. Nahin
Pages: 404
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Publication date: 2006
Language: English
Format: DJVU
ISBN-10: 0691118221
Description: What are e, pi, and i, and who was Euler? Now, it is hard for me to believe that there are any literate readers in the world who haven't heard of the transcendental numbers e = 2.71828182... and pi = 3.14159265..., and of the imaginary number i. As for Euler, he was surely one of the greatest of all mathematicians. Making lists of the "greatest" is a popular activity these days, and I would wager that the Swiss-born Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) would appear somewhere among the top five mathematicians of all time on the list made by any mathematician in the world today (Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss would give him stiff competition, but what great company they are!). Matthew Killeya, New Scientist, May 27, 2006 "But be warned: it contains thousands of equations, and is a challenging read". Review Timothy Gowers Nature : Nahin includes gems from all over mathematics, ranging from engineering applications to beautiful pure-mathematical identities. Matthew Killeya New Scientist : Nahin?s tale of the formula e[pi]i+1=0, which links five of the most important numbers in mathematics, is remarkable. Henry Ricardo MAA Reviews : What a treasure of a book this is . . .! A marvelous tribute to Euler's genius and those who built upon it. Robert E. O'Malley, Jr. SIAM Review : The heart and soul of the book are the final three chapters on Fourier series, Fourier integrals, and related engineering. Mathematics Today : This excellent book goes a long way to explaining the kind of mathematician [Euler] really was.

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