Title: Clifford Simak. 26 books Author(s): Clifford Simak Pages: 4000 Publisher: Publication date: Language: English Format: TXT, LIT ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: List:
All Flesh Is Grass.txt
All The Traps Of Earth.lit
All the traps of Earth.txt
Cemetery World.lit
Cosmic Engineers.txt
Destiny doll.txt
Drop Dead.lit
Drop dead.txt
Final Gentleman.txt
Galactic Chest.lit
Galactic Chest.txt
Highway To Eternity.txt
Installment plan.txt
Leg. Forst.lit
Leg. Forst.txt
Our children's children.txt
Over The River And Through The Woods.lit
Project pope.txt
Shakespeare's Planet.lit
Shakespeare's planet.pdf
Short Stories.rar
Shotgun Cure.lit
Sitters, The.txt
So Bright The Vision.lit
So Bright the Vision.txt
The Fellowship of the Talisman.txt
The Golden Bugs.txt
The sitters.txt
The Thing in the Stone.txt
Werewolf Principle.lit
Thing In The Stone.lit
Way station.txt
Clifford Donald Simak (August 3, 1904 - April 25, 1988) was a leading American science fiction writer. He won three Hugo awards and one Nebula award, as well as being named the third Grand Master by the SFWA in 1977.
Clifford Donald Simak was born in Millville, Wisconsin, son of John Lewis and Margaret (Wiseman) Simak. He married Agnes Kuchenberg on April 13, 1929 and they had two children, Scott and Shelley. Simak attended the University of Wisconsin and later worked at various newspapers in the Midwest. He began a lifelong association with Minneapolis Star and Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota) in 1939, which continued until his retirement in 1976. He became Minneapolis Star 's news editor in 1949 and coordinator of Minneapolis Tribune's Science Reading Series in 1961. He died in Minneapolis.