Graphics and GUIs with MATLAB. Third Edition (+files) free download online

Title: Graphics and GUIs with MATLAB. Third Edition (+files)
Author(s): Patrick Marchand, O. Thomas Holland
Pages: 536
Publisher: Chapman & Hall/CRC
Publication date: 2002
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 1584883200
Description: As with Patrick's earlier text, this book is intended to present a comprehensive discussion of the MATLAB graphics system. This third edition builds on the earlier editions by including the objects and properties new to MATLAB version 6 and includes the new features of the MATLAB cut]environment. The organization of this edition is a little different as well. In teaching MATLAB, I have observed that not everyone wants to be a handle graphics guru (but they don?t know what they are missing!). Many just want to be able to plot their data quickly and effectively. MATLAB has addressed this desire by expanding, for instance, the Figure Window tools, and providing the more casual user with a tool to modify many figure properties. Consequently, most of the first half of this book requires little or no knowledge of handle graphics. The second half thoroughly covers the concept of handle graphics, and how to create graphical user interfaces.

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