Title: Testing Embedded Software Author(s): Bart Broekman, Edwin Notenboom Pages: 368 Publisher: Addison Wesley Publication date: 2002 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0321159861 ISBN-13: Description: The book provides a practical and comprehensive overview of how to test embedded software.
* The book describes how embedded systems can be tested in a structured, controlled way.
* The first complete description of all necessary ingredients of a testing process.
* It includes classic as well as modern test design techniques.
* The described approach is useful in real-life situations of 'limited time and resources.
Technology: More and more our society is pervaded by embedded software: cars, telecom, home entertainment devices are full of software. Embedded systems are becoming larger and more complex with an increasing amount of software, leading to a growing need for a structured testing method which helps to tackle the typical problems in embedded software testing. Audience:Managers or team leaders that are responsible for development and/or testing of embedded software and systems. Also, people who actually perform the primary software testing activities.User level:Intermediate.Bart Broekman has been a software test practitioner since 1990. He participated in European embedded software research projects (ITEA) and is co-author of a book on test automation.Edwin Notenboom has bee Together with Bart Broekman, he participated in a european ITEA project on embedded systems since February 1999.