Title: Succeess Marking Scheme Author(s): Anthony M. Samuel Pages: 17 Publisher: Author Publication date: 2008 Language: English Format: pdf ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: People have always been struggling in pursuit of success for ages. Success has always tried its best to evade them and they have always been downcast. It would not be the same if people knew the secret behind every success. If you knew the ingredients of your favorite soft drink, you would make it at home. Imagine serving a crowd of visitors in your home with your own produced soft drink tasting as good as that you normally buy from the shops. That could be a very good feeling. The truth is, this is very possible. But the ingredients are a secret to the manufacturers. However that still does not make it an impossibility. If you got the ingredients and followed the recipe, am sure you will make the exact same soft drink.
Success in life is what everyone desires to have. A few people do succeed but many fail. They never make any worthwhile achievement in their entire lifetime. They go through life moaning and groaning and at the end of their sojourn only have nothing but regrets. You dont want to be in that statistic. You dont have to be. You can be a success in life. You will be a success in life if you know how to be a success. This scheme will show you all that is required in anything to achieve tremendously.