Title: 3ds Max 6 Fundamentals Author(s): Ted Boardman Pages: 500 Publisher: Pearson Education Publication date: 2003 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Description: For the new user or seasoned pro, Discreet authorized trainer, Ted Boardman, explains the latest version of the most popular 3d program. Following the exercises and tutorials in the book, readers will discover the new features of 3ds max 6 that make it even more powerful and easier to use. Learn how to work effectively and efficiently through production techniques covered in this book. Leading 3ds max trainer Ted Boardman covers every core technique and skill for making the most of 3ds max 6 in virtually any application or industry, including computer and video games, web content development, film, television, and architecture. Boardman begins by introducing the fundamental concepts students need to work with 3ds max 6. Next, he introduces the fundamentals of modeling, applying materials and maps, applying realistic lighting, and effectively integrating animation. Then, he focuses on interior scenes, introducing 3ds max modeling techniques for radiosity and efficiency; more sophistica