Title: Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming Author(s): Scott Urman, Ron Hardman, Michael McLaughlin Pages: 896 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0072230665 ISBN-13: Description: Create dynamic client/server applications using PL/SQL and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Expert Oracle insiders cover the features of PL/SQL, explain scripting semantics and syntax, and fully detail the PL/SQL functionality of Oracle Database 10g. You'll learn how to write powerful PL/SQL programs, interact with Oracle databases, perform complex calculations, and handle error conditions.
Write Robust PL/SQL Applications
Create dynamic client/server applications using PL/SQL and the comprehensive information contained in this authoritative volume. Expert Oracle insiders cover the features of PL/SQL, explain scripting semantics and syntax, and fully detail the PL/SQL functionality of Oracle Database 10g. You'll learn how to write powerful PL/SQL programs, interact with Oracle databases, perform complex calculations, and handle error conditions. Plus, you'll get insider programming tips and techniques and real-world examples from the Oracle community.
* Develop, tune, and debug PL/SQL programs that access Oracle databases from a wide variety of environments
* Use PL/SQL block structures, variables, datatypes, expressions, operators, and statements
* Regulate and recover from errors using exceptions and exception handlers
* Deploy subprograms, procedures, functions, packages, and triggers
* Accomplish intersession communication with DBMS_PIPE and DBMS_ALERT
* Write object-oriented PL/SQL applications
* Manage large sets of data using PL/SQL records and objects
* Work with Oracle Net Services, external procedures, Java libraries, and C shared libraries
* Perform object-oriented programming using transient objects, inheritance, type evolution, and attribute chaining
* Automate database tasks with DBMS_JOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER and add e-mail functionality with UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL
About the Author
Scott Urman (Foster City, CA) is a senior member of the diagnostic and defect technical staff in the Language Group of Oracle Support Services, where he aids users of Oracle's various language products (PL/SQL, OCI, and the Oracle precompilers). In addition, he reviews Oracle technical documentation, writes white papers on Oracle languages, and makes technical presentations both inside Oracle and at meetings of Oracle User's Groups. Scott is the best-selling author of Oracle Press' Oracle PL/SQL Programming and Oracle8 PL/SQL Programming. McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwide.