Title: PDF Hacks Author(s): Sid Steward Pages: 296 Publisher: O'Reilly Publication date: 2004 Language: English Format: CHM ISBN-10: 0596006551 ISBN-13: Description: PDF Hacks is ideal for anyone who works with PDF on a regular basis. Learn how to create PDF documents that are far more powerful than simple representations of paper pages. Hacks cover the full range of PDF functionality, including generating, manipulating, annotating, and consuming PDF information. Far more than another guide to Adobe Acrobat, the book covers a variety of readily available tools for generating, deploying, and editing PDF.
Many people think of Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) as a proprietary format for delivering unchangeable content that readers can print out or view on-screen conveniently. That may be how most people work with it, but you can do many more things with PDF, with or without Adobe's tools.
PDF has come a long way since it first appeared in the early '90s. When Adobe began offering its Acrobat Reader for free, PDF spread across the Web as a paginated alternative to HTML. PDF has replaced or supplemented Adobe's PostScript language files as a format for exchanging print-ready layouts, and evolving forms capabilities have made PDF a more interactive format over time.