Computer Architecture And Organization free download online

Title: Computer Architecture And Organization
Author(s): Ian East
Pages: 464
Publisher: CRC; 1 edition
Publication date: 1990
Language: English
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 0273030388
Description: Synopsis This textbook covers topics which cross the border between hardware and software and should be of value to both students of computer science and electronic engineering. It shows how one may proceed "top-down" through software engineering to arrive at the fundamental programming constructs that one wishes to run as process. Finally one arrives at the fundamental atoms of programming which must be available to make a universally programmable machine. Explanation is given of what the components of a computer are, how they are connected together and how they in turn are constructed. No particular technology is assumed. A full understanding of any machine architecture is not possible without programming it at the assembler level. It is shown with many examples, how instructions may be grouped to form process/constructs and how data objects may be defined. *** One does not undertake the task of composing a new textbook lightly. This one has taken more than a year to produce. Furthermore, it does not make the author rich. (It pays better working in a bar!) So why bother? Having moved to a computer science department from an applied physics environment, I was somewhat shocked at just how little students had been expected to learn, or even care, about the physical nature and engineering of the machines themselves. When I arrived at the University of Buckingham, courses in computer architecture were new to the computer science curriculum in most UK universities. On searching for a text suitable for students, who perceived their machines from a purely software perspective, I found two serious problems. First, almost all were written primarily for students of electrical engineering and so devoted too much space to engineering topics and presumed too great a knowledge of electrical theory. Second, all too often they were devoted to one or other "favourite" machine and lacked breadth. It also proved impossible to locate one which comprehensively covered new innovative ideas, such as: * Reduced instruction set * Register windowing * Modular software support * Concurrent software support

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