Title: 3G Wireless Networks Author(s): Clint Smith, Daniel Collins Pages: 605 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition Publication date: 2001 Language: English Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0071363815 ISBN-13: Description: Real-world instruction in the design and deployment of 3G networks
Pin down the technical details that make 3G wireless networking actually work. In 3G Wireless Networks, experts Clint Smith and Daniel Collins dissect critical issues of compatibility, internetworking, and voice/data convergence, providing you with in-depth explanations of how key standards and protocols intersect and interconnect. This guide digs into the gritty details of day-to-day network operations, giving you a chance to understand the difficulties service providers will experience in making the changeover from 2nd Generation systems (CDMS etc.) to 2.5 Generation systems like WAP and EDGE and finally to full throttle 3G networks. It describes key standards, digs deep into the guts of relevant network protocols, and details the full range of compatibility issues between the US (CDMA 2000) and European (WCDMA) versions of the standard. Plenty of call flow diagrams show you exactly how the technologies work.