Title: Menopause For Dummies Author(s): Marcia L., Ph.D. Jones Pages: 384 Publisher: For Dummies Publication date: 2006 Language: Format: PDF ISBN-10: 0470053437 ISBN-13: Description: Product Description
Although menopause is a natural and inevitable stage in every woman’s life, its physical, mental, and emotional manifestations can vary greatly from one person to the next. Add to this all of the conflicting “expert” information about the benefits, risks, and side effects to which women are exposed on a daily basis, and it’s easy to see why most find it difficult to make informed choices about how to deal with their menopausal symptoms.
Authored by a team of acknowledged experts in treating menopausal symptoms, Menopause For Dummies arms you with all the information you need to stay in control every step of the way. In plain English, it explains the role menopause plays in a variety of common health problems, such as osteoporosis, stroke, and heart disease. It walks you through proven measures for minimizing your risk of developing complications through including diet and exercise, stress management, hormone replacement, and other techniques. And it arms you with authoritative, up-to-the-minute coverage of:
* Premenopause how to identify it and what it means
* The stages of menopause
* How menopause can affect your body, emotions, and libido
* The latest facts about hormone replacement therapy
* The pros and cons of various alternative treatments
* The best ways of handling hot flashes
* Easing symptoms with diet and exercise
* Preventing bone loss
* Helpful lifestyle changes
With Menopause For Dummies in your corner you’ll have a kinder, gentler “change of life.”
Book Info
Text explains the various stages of how menopause affects body, emotions, and libido. Includes discussions on hormone therapy, effects on bones and heart, and lifestyle issues. Also features ten fitness programs for menopausal women. Softcover. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
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Product Details
* Paperback: 384 pages
* Publisher: For Dummies; 2 edition (December 6, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0470053437
* ISBN-13: 978-0470053430